Quite simply, we want to contribute to making the world a better and fairer place for people to live. You might think that everyone would have this ambition, but unfortunately this is not the case.   People are preoccupied by their own personal interests, and all governments plainly and openly pursue national interests even at the expense of the populations of other countries. One of the aims of the site is to publicise a view that we are all part of the same world, and that all of humankind have a right to the same opportunities and happiness.
We do not seek to raise funds on this site, but we do wish to encourage readers and participants to help other organisations which tackle problems of world poverty or oppression. 
We want to encourage people, either individually or as groups, to become activists in promoting international cooperation and breaking down the unfortunately resistant barriers of xenophobia, racism and indifference.        
 To find out more read our aims here. 
You may also like to read some of the articles.  
James Gault 

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I guess we all know that the world is not an ideal place. This is to be expected.   Every day, Nature turns on someone somewhere and lives and livelihoods are destroyed.   It is inevitable.   But what is not inevitable, and what is not fair, is that the poorest suffer the most.   Are the rich of the world doing enough?   And what also is not fair is the damage that we humans do to other humans. 
       Don't you wan't to do something about it?